Bernie carried the WA State caucuses, winning 72%. The bigger story is
that here in King County, the most populous county, the bastion of
Seattle liberalism, Bernie only got 64%. That means that those
Hinterland Democrats, the ones who actually rub shoulders with
Republicans, voted overwhelmingly for Bernie. They must have voted the
Bern by 85 or 90% to drag his state average up to 72%. They live among
Republicans and in their collective wisdom, almost to a voter, they
think Bernie has the best shot at beating the GOP candidate.
When big change is brewing, the middle erodes as the population
polarizes. The "same-o same-o," is untenable, so both the left and the
right have seen a flood of voters surging their way. Objectively, one
side represents the future, the other the past. So when they each gather
their strength the one side suffers bouts of desertion, and the other
wins by a knockout.
Wouldn't you love to see a Bernie vs Butt Trumpeter contest? Bernie, the
straight shooter, consistent, dignified and principled vs Mr. See Me
Comb Over. A revolutionary situation is commonly defined as when the
people can't go on living in the same old way, and the rulers can't go
on ruling in the same way either. We're pretty much there on both
counts. Think about the seeming suddenness of the gay rights sea change.
Sure, there's more to fight in that regard, but we just went through
the most amazing transformation. The future's on a roll.
Bernie, the social democrat vs the guy who represents all the lack of
vision and empty, mean bravado that the Republican Party has come to
embrace. In that race everyone becomes a Sandernista. And then runs
every one of those obstructionist ass-holes out of Washington DC once
and for all.
Of course, if voting actually changed anything, they'd make it illegal,
which pretty much sums up the Republican strategy over the years, maybe a
hint at something. This time around I expect them to count on terrorist
bombings to "panic the herd" to the right, but that shows how desperate
they are. Those guys are dinosaurs, over-stepping the paleogenic
boundary, who don't know their time is past. Maybe this is the election
where it all falls apart for them.
Those Hinterland Democrats, seeded in Republican communities, are our
forward observers, our embedded intelligence team. They know the people
we have to win over, and they backed Bernie massively, a peep hole into
what time it is in America. Let Trump, with his trophy wife, take cheap
shots at Mrs. Sanders. Every woman in the country will vote him right to
hell. Maybe it takes a Trump to get a Bernie elected. So be it. The
middle erodes and the greatly expanded peripheries put up the best they
have, representing their dream of the future, and one side wins. Then
appoints Supreme Court judges, and does the right thing, over and again.
Those Hinterland Democrats can see the tsunami that saves America--and
maybe the world. It's a tidal wave of Berniecrats.
Randy Rowland